I need a nice deep long breath..... I need a rest. September has been the most hectic month in my and my family's lives and October is all about picking up the pieces. But here we are. Home. Finaly.
Moving is exhausting. Husband did the heavy lifting but I was there for the boxes packing and unpacking, cleaning of the old house, sorting out the paperwork, deciding what will go where, organizing, and now decorating. I rediscovered the pleasure found in doing things by hands, be it a simple curtain or pillow case.
As if it wasn't enough, I decided to take part in Nanowrimo this year. Mainly because there is an idea in my head and I need to take care of. it. I need to put it on paper. I know, there is the novel from 2012 stil unrevised and an outline in a notebook. I should focus on finishing. But I can not help it. I did my first Nano when I was pregnant. I thoutght I would be able to revise, prepare and present a novel while on maternity leave. Ha ha. Nothing prepared me for the total change in my life, I didn't realize how impossible it will be to do something properly. But I do know that I can steal moments in the day and write. And I need discipline. So I will do Nano and then I will see.
Wish me luck. I will not be blogging much during November. But I will be writing a lot!!!
Child is fine. I am bit guilty. Moving meant slight increase in You Tube time. What shall I say. At the moment, I am not strict about screen time. Cormoran Strike novel arrived. It is fantastic. But we do explore our new neighborhood a lot, there is some structure in my child's life. Today is raining a lot, though... One more chapter then.... Go on......