October was a long month this year, I don't know why, but it had felt that way. The last week was all about preparations for NaNoWriMo. It wouldn't be my first one, but I usually participate only every second year and after the last, strange year, it felt more like an occasion. Maybe because I have dedicated the last two years to editing, and thinking about proper, messy writing again filled me with ideas about not having enough hours in the day.
There are never enough hours by the way. However, I also needed to carry on with (hopefully final) edit of my second book. In the past, I would probably put it aside and concentrate on NaNoWriMo, but this year I didn't want to lose the thread. I want to finish that edit, as I am at the stage when I'm getting tired of reading the story yet again, thinking about littlest things in the text. But when I spot a silly mistake that had made it through four edits (!!!!), I know it was worth the time. If I did put the almost finished project away, it would take longer to get going, knowing I would have to read it again in order to move on to formatting and cover work...
I simply kept reminding myself that I will have to be organised. Because routines work. Read my previous post, if you want to read more on that.. During October, my old meditation mala beads broke. It was getting lose and finally, the loosened string gave up. I had a spare set of beads which was never used, but it didn't feel the same. Meditation is what taught me about routine and meditating with mantra and the beads is what works. I can't sit randomly and hope that my mind will be still and that I will somehow know that the right amount of time had passed. And, unfortunately, I don't get lost in a blissful state, away from time and thoughts. Sitting down with a mantra and the beads running slowly through my fingers helps me to focus and marks the time. I don't have to worry, simply let the process happen.
I knew I would have to repair the mala beads, and have made sure to gather them all (because there have to be 108 of them plus the bigger guru bead). Seeing November slowly approaching, I had the feeling that it must be done before it starts, together with many other random little things that I was putting aside. There was a rush of urgency, the need to clear out the tasks in order to be able to focus on writing in November.
The most difficult part, as always, was to start. I had to find the right string and also create a new tassel. I didn't have to, but I wanted to make the new beads my own. They are sandal wood beads and original string and tassel were orange. I had the right shade and length of string for new orange beads, but also many other colours and decided to make a colourful tassel that would have colours of the chakras. I have worked with the chakras a lot this year and it seemed like a nice idea to remind myself every time I pick the beads up.
With everything ready, it seemed impossible to find the time to sit down and put it all together. Until I realized that if I don't do it, I won't find time during November, and finally started. And, as usual, once I was in the flow of things, it was a nice process. After reading up on malas, I have decided to separate each bead with a knot, so it was quite a slow progress, but making a mala is a practice on its own.
Sitting down to meditate with the new mala in hand, I'd felt happy. I am used to the beads and the new string makes them more personal and comfortable. They reminded me about the importance of doing things regularly and with attention, and also about the weird attachment we develop with some things in life. The new beads they are here with me as I am closing down the first week of NaNoWriMo. So far, so good. Words are coming together like beads on a string...