Wednesday, 16 November 2022

On and On We Go

 The proof copy of my last book had arrived in the post. Nothing beats the feeling of holding the physical book in your hands. I can edit endlessly, make files, back up files, consider the work done, but the book itself is on a very different level. Even though it is not yet quite done. 

This is my third book and so far, the read through had always brought changes. First time, I played a lot with the cover itself. Second time, I was smarter with that, but still picked enough issues in the text. I also figured that no header means more space and less pages to print.

With my third book, my editing process was very organized. I have finally built a system that hopefully works. Proof will be in the proof copy read! To print the text and read it through on paper is an old trick that really works (and guarantees lots of printer-related frustration), but interestingly, the book print shows what even the A4 paper format print missed. Something about a real, physical book makes the little mistakes jump out of the page more. Because they don't belong in a book! Also, any blunder in formatting shows up nicely.

Reaching the end of bringing my third book out to the world reminded me that life is indeed going around in circles. Bigger, smaller, lapsing, stand-alone circles. Time is something that flows round and round, it doesn't travel in a line. Seasons, years, occasions, even fashion come and go. Year ago, I was winning NaNoWriMo with Star, working on the story every day, then I carried on through December, finished the first draft and while doing that, I had my first proof copy of Bodies to read through (I used so many sticky notes to mark issues with the text!). Once Bodies was polished and finished, it was published and I began editing Star. And now I have Star in my hands, going through the final stage of this project. Another cycle is reaching its completion.

One thing I have to say is: I will miss my characters. I like all of my books, they are very much influenced by what I have learnt, seen, and experienced, but somehow, Star and the other people from her story are very dear to me. Do I have a favourite? It feels unfair, like asking a parent which child they like the most. Impossible, but with an inner twinge. It will probably change once I start living in an inner dialogue with my new characters, but at the moment, I am a little sad. Maybe I will return to Star and her story. Why not?

I finished the first draft at Christmas and the feeling of accomplishmet was very much subdued by a feeling of loss. After so many early morning with Star and the others, I was lost. Besides, we are meant to be with our nearest and dearest at Christmas, so why were these characters over? Maybe I will have a finished, polished book by this Christmas. Hopefully, I will take the separation more easily, being a little more used to it. Besides, I will be ready to send them all out to the world, endlessly proud.

Writing all of this feels good. Three books finished. I am a real writer. Unknown, rubish at marketing, but real. I am making a very slow progress, but honestly, that is the story of my life. Things take time. I've learnt that much at least. Besides, number three has something about it that pushes me forward. Of course, three books bring much more confidence with them. We all could put together the one story we believe we have in us and publish it. Self publishing makes it possible. Two books are better, but still, it might just be an ego boost. Three books mean business. By the end of the second book, we writers (the self published kind) know how much work goes into the story. Writing a draft is only the beginning. Finishing the third book means that I am here to stay. Quiet and shy, very much on the outside of the amazing writing community, but here, claiming my place. And plotting my next book, of course!

Monday, 7 November 2022


 November marks the approaching cold season, count down to the end of the year, and, of course, NaNoWriMo. I am busy polishing off the manuscript that was born during last year NaNoWriMo. After a year with the characters, they are basically part of the family (in my head at least).

I was noting down ideas for the next project throughout the year, too. NaNoWriMo is ideal for that: putting the ideas together and shaping a story. First draft, mad creation, whatever you call it, knowing that there is a challenge to write certain amount of words each day is perfect for that. But, in all honesty, I knew I wouldn't manage this year. I participate every other year anyway and even though I was tempted, I had to be realistic.

This is my first year with a job of sort. I am freelancing, not working full time, but it makes a difference. I have to be more organized, more flexible with my time, and (sigh) my housewifing won't do itself. Besides, I am not putting much effort into networking and promoting myself in the working field and I am doing very very miniscule effort with promoting and marketing my writing.

So what if instead of writing I started the more difficult thing - talking, communicating, promoting? Wouldn't it be a challenge on itself? Much harder than the desired word count.

I was seeing myself writing and updating my blog every day, posting on social networks, researching all the possible ways of making people aware of my stories... Let's see. We are one week into November and I am hoping to finish and publish the first post of the month that was of course meant to be out last week. I had a hectic week, more work than usual and after ticking off all the tasks each day, writing was lacking behind. Only scribbled notes are a witness that my brain didn't give up. But I was also feeling proud and very accomplished. I have managed to do everything I had to, I did it well and I ended the week on a high note, because I was feeling good. Not exhausted, drained and in need of rest, but balanced and happy. Because I have made time for myself. I still woke up early every day, had my practise, took care of myself as well as the others, ate right... Isn't it easy to forgo all these little things in the pursuits of other goals?

So my plans for this very productive month (because what we don't do in November, creative-wise, we will truly struggle to accomplish in December) is to be as creative, open, communicative as I can, but also not to forget to keep things in balance. Yes, I want to sell books. But also, I want to be in the best mood and health possible. I won't have a chart on the NaNoWriMo website cheering me on, there will be no badges, but I hope that I will be able to reward myself with the knowledge that I have done the best that I could. That is good.