Five might not be an obvious choice for a special number and might not be considered lucky, but I am slowly growing excited about it. Next year will end in five. And I rather like the years that end in five. In 1995, I graduated and began my independent, adult life. Everything was ahead of me. In 2005, I thought a lot about what I had been through so far and accepted some hard-learnt truths about relationships. It was time to assess, make changes, leave some things behind, and consider a change of career. Nothing was as definitive as ten years ago, because my life was in motion, very unsettled. Even so, I was building something, learning a lot, and discovering new paths to follow. There was still a lot ahead. In 2015, I was a mother, married, settled, and buying our first home together in the UK. Even though I had already put down my roots, this was the final step to finally being at home, without questions. Besides that, I had many other ideas about my future and most of them didn’t work out in the way I’d imagined. What I’d learnt on the way was good, even if not particularly wished for.
And now we are awaiting 2025. A quarter of a century will be behind us. What will the year with five on its end bring to me this time?
I had published my fifth book this year. I am now officially an author of five books. That feels very special. And it makes me very happy.
Looking at the pile of five books with my name on the spine brought memories of another achievement. I had been five times pregnant in my life. I have five memories of wonder, anticipation, happiness, and love. I am a mother of one child, so, yes, it doesn’t look like such a journey. But still, I always remember that I had been carrying a new life in me five times. Four short times and one with an extra two and a half weeks overdue…
I get up after five in the morning and have dinner at five in the evening. I could go on. But I don’t need to, you probably get the general idea. I am trying to see the good things ahead of me, because the world doesn’t seem like a very happy place right now and, if anything, we are bracing ourselves for the next year, waiting with gritted teeth, wishing more than hoping that things will work out. We don’t even expect improvement. The optimism of the late nineties is gone, and so is the naivety of the early two-thousands. The world is not a safe and stable place and we are not making it any better. Very often, we feel that cynical resignment is the only option to function.
So, I look at the numbers and hope against hope that it will be a good year. Because when I look at the little picture, life is still good. I wake up every day and see that I live in a nice place, surrounded by my family, I have a home and a job I enjoy, I am creative, and we don’t struggle for food or resources. We work hard for it, but we are so much more lucky than many. The incident of where you are born and when decides your faith. So, yes, I live from day to day and I write books and then I talk about them, and maybe it is nothing important on the big scale, but, together with many other things that I do every day, they are part of the puzzle that keeps me going. And now I will see how the 2025 puzzle of my life will work out and how it will be remembered.
All the best to you all in 2025.