Wednesday, 6 January 2021

New Year Old Me

 Stepping into 2021 was nice for one single reason: snow. Nothing excites dear child more than seeing enough snow for sledging. It was great to finally unwrap the sledge we bought 2 years ago, after school was closed because of snow and we were hastily cutting off a bottom of a big plastic bucket, hoping it would make a sledge. It sort of almost did, but luckily one neighbour borrowed us the real thing.

Ready this year, we went out in style and enjoyed the white fresh snow. Now the child is disappointed every morning, because there is no more new snow...

Christmas was good. No pressure regarding visitors, no visits or trips, just us. Preparations were easy, husband was home, I could dedicate time to baking, decorating, wrapping, preparing. I am a loner. 2020 was easy for me. Facing its end in my little bubble was even easier.

Then the presents were unwrapped and the really good time started: the slump or hibernation, whatever you want to call it - the time between Christmas and new year, time when there is food in the house, no reason to go out except for a walk, enough toys and movies to occupy dear child. I can rest, think, plot, dream, indulge in things I usually try to fit in.

Yoga can be done in peace and quiet of the morning, while the rest of the house sleeps and I don't have to get dear child ready for school on time. Instead, I can lit a candle, be slow, relax at the end.

For few years now, I do a practise of 7 Fires. Every day the focus is on one chakra. With the specific energy in mind, I think about few little ideas - seeds, that I write down and use them as a direction for the next year. Through time, I started to research practise specific for each chakra, mudras, music, incense... This year, I spent time colouring images of each chakra. It was nice using pencils and playing with colours, something I used to do so much as a child. I took out glass paint and created candle holders with colours for each chakra. A little bit of craft and play, something that doesn't look perfect but it makes me happy. It adds colour and meaning to the little corner where I practise, a little space where I can have the best time by myself, practising. It is something that makes sense. Something that helps me, supports me, keeps me going. 2020 was different and hard, but I could practise every day. I was home, there were no holidays, no trips, no visitors. I used the time, deepened the practise, embraced the isolation. Instead of regret I was grateful. I still am. Teachers that were difficult to reach because of distance, time, or prices, moved online and things were more accessible.

Now I am back at editing, back by the desk, school - whether in person or online will start again, my time will be restricted, but it is fine. As long as we are healthy we will manage. I have my little seeds from the 7 Fires, a path to follow.

Happy 2021!

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