Sunday, 8 August 2021

This Summer Holiday

 As many other people, we didn't even bother looking into international travel this year. Just going somewhere within UK now feels like a treat. Camping used to be an easy addition to our schedule, something to do over a long weekend. Now it became the main event. Finding a free camping space was as difficult as a search for a truly reasonably priced flight to Europe in pre-pandemic years. Packing the car was as exciting as a trip through the airport check-in, security, shops and gate queue for dear child. All of us felt special for simply leaving the home and sleeping somewhere else for the first time in more than a year.

We have spent a week in the Northumberland. And it was great. Dear child had the best time, because the school year had only just ended and we could see the thrill from the freedom, the long weeks of free time stretching ahead. I still remember that feeling... But being around the beautiful part of the world, discovering new places and fulfilling a dream of meeting puffins was great for us all. 

Back home, the old routines are calling, on top of all the unpacking, washing, cleaning, sorting... And the worries about how to fill the rest of the summer break while maintaining some level of work and project accomplishments. The usual parenting dilemmas.

However, I have learnt a few things. Socializing in covid times is possible, even easy when outdoors. Investing in a good tent is a very good idea. So is finding a good dog sitter, because camping with dogs is fun, but you can't explore as much as you can without the dog. My nagging feeling that lockdown is too comfortable for me and I should shake up my routine and leave the house, garden and sourdough starter, because they will cope without me for a while, was true. I will need to find more to do, change direction, leave housewifing. It is time. Yes, lockdown helped me to publish a book and build a good writing routine, as well as maintain very good yoga practise and meditation routine, but it is time to meet the world. The trip reminded me about the big bright world out there. I knew it was there, I've known it and travelled it extensively, but as soon as I finally started making plans for my possible future as the child and dog grew and became less demanding, the pandemic started and everything was paused.

I have already written about the fact that I am a loner, that I liked lockdown. But since the spring, after kids went back to school, I started thinking that I am almost hiding behind it all. I was needed for home school. But I also discovered how busy I can be around the house. Guess what? I can organize myself better, get husband of his ass and help, and if everything won't done to perfection the world won't end. So, after unpacking and settling, I will start my next adventure. Because change is good. Seize the day...

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