Sunday 31 December 2023

End of The Year


As the year is coming to its close, I can’t help but feel a bit annoyed. 2023 was a year of splendidly miserable weather. A few hot days, a few bright days, a few frosty days. Rain, mud and wind everywhere in between throughout the seasons. The last week is no different.

I worked a bit between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, which was good because I had to go out and I was actually quite lucky in being out in between the bursts of really bad winds and storms. But still, it is a bit sad. We didn’t do our traditional Christmas family walk and I am not sure that we will have a stroll on the beach to start the new year. We’ve done so for the last two years and it was always lovely.

Our planet is struggling, we can all see it, and yet so little is done about it. Excuses about the economy are made, people don’t want to change their ways, and the top one percent seeks a way to exploit the crisis. Let’s shop our way out of climate change!

On a more personal note, this year was a busy year and brought with it a new dynamic and discipline. I figured that once I get going, I can get a lot done. Discipline comes naturally, I don’t like unfinished work. Seeing my little business growing was great, and being appreciated was very rewarding. I like the fact that I can do what I like while I am also being useful and helpful. I met some very nice people and their pets and realized that coming out of my shell a little is fine.

Of course, I still didn’t manage to translate my newly found skills into my writing career. But I did finish my fourth book, honed up my proofreading and editing routine, learnt a bit more about the process of bringing a story to life and set up the stage for a bit more shine. I will write more but I think that I need to take a break and focus on marketing and networking. Writing is my craft, my thing, but I also tend to hide behind it. This year showed me once again that there is only so much time I have and I can only accomplish so many things in a day. I can’t dedicate all day to writing. I have to manage the time that I can give it and sometimes, other aspects of my craft will have to take priority. It is nice to see other writers online, floating from a writing group to book signing, then doing a bit of reading and reviewing before spending half of the night working on a new story. Good.

I won’t forgo rest. I won’t keep myself awake for the sake of a daily word count goal. Making a note in my diary or sending a message is writing too, at the end of the day. I will stay realistic.

Besides, what I don’t do around the house won’t be done. I can’t abandon my family duty. Husband can help sometimes, but often explaining what to do, how and why takes more time and effort than doing stuff myself.

This year was again slightly frustrating because my right shoulder was frozen and I had to slowly work on rehabilitation. It wasn’t easy to accept that after sorting the left shoulder, the condition simply moved, for no apparent reason, onto the other side. I didn’t bother with seeking help, dusted off the old set of exercises and got on with it. Being limited is difficult. Sometimes, I think about ageing, about feeling different, about the body becoming heavy and bothersome. Scary thought. Good practice and active living help me to keep on top of my health, I don’t want to depend on our crumbling health service or other people, it truly terifies me. So I do what I can.

The best part of the year? Travelling again, being in Prague, seeing my family, spending time with my daughter, seeing how she is slowly coming into a new, more independent, stage of life. Sometimes I look at her and wish she could stay my little buddy forever, always safe with me. But I know that I will have to let her go, be herself and find and learn things on her own. I will always be there for her, of course, I will, but these years of childhood are so special, it is sad that they will become a memory. I hope that I can still plan some little trips and things to do together and that she will still be excited about them.

Ten years ago, we were celebrating the first Christmas with her. We were trying to figure out how she manages to get from lying down to sitting and kept missing the moment. She was lying down, we turned our heads, looked again, and there she was, sitting. What a year that was, bringing her into the world. And now she is all grown up.

We live in peace, we are safe, and we have a home. We have a lot. It can be tough and difficult and frustrating and sad, but overall, life is one great adventure. One circle of it is closing, moving on the next one, with a new number, but the same people, challenges and little pleasures. All the best to us all.

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